Monday, September 8, 2014

How to submit a test snipe from JoyBidder eBay Auction Sniper program

Since version 1.9.71, JoyBidder Pro eBay Auction Sniper has implemented a new feature to let user to test the sniping before put it into real use.

In the Bid dialog, user can now set negative lead seconds, for example, -360. This will let the program to automatically submit the bid 360 seconds later.  See screen shot below

When you click the bid button, the confirmation dialog will be shown as below
360 seconds later, the bid is submitted. See screen shot below
Note that the time that are highlighted in red in the item activity log view, the difference is 362 seconds. It is not exactly 360 seconds, as it has the extra overhead of scheduling the bid at the beginning and retrieve the item status and latest price after the bid is submitted. This test indicates the sniping is successful.

You might be asked by product support to run this test, but even if not, it is a good practice to run such a test once a day to make sure there is nothing out of ordinary.

You can find official JoyBidder Test Auction listing in eBay for testing purpose.

The test auction will be cancelled after it ends and will be re-listed. It will take some time for it appear in the eBay site and search result. So if you don't see them in the above two urls, doesn't mean they are not there. Just need to wait for eBay to finish its indexing process, so that is searchable and listed in the site.